Make People Start Something

Learn leadership and entrepreneurship skills to become successful business owners or startup founders.

Startnovation is a platform in Laos that empowers young people to learn and use skills like leadership and entrepreneurship.

Our goal is to support them in becoming successful business owners or exceptional startup founders in the future.

Building Startup Community in Laos

Creating Startup Ecosystem in Laos

Incubate Entrepreneurship and Leadership to youths

Create a community of entrepreneurs, especially young entrepreneurs, to meet, exchange, and help each other so that the development of startups in the country can develop by leaps and bounds.

Create an ecosystem of business or Startup to be able to happen as a part of providing knowledge and ideas, supporting resources to do real business.

Incubate and groom the concept of entrepreneurship and leadership for young people to apply in business, daily life, and work in various fields.